Episode #43 Playlist – Hip Hop, R&B, and Urban Flava
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December 14, 2020
Congratulations to all of these amazing Artists whose songs are included in Episode #43. Your contributions to New England’s Urban Music Culture is priceless and it’s an honor to be able to share your music to the world. @poursomehenny @seriousgomes @itmekbye
@superstahsnuk @glvsshouse @therealseefour @nicsnation_ @saintlyor @darapsinga @mycoreyellis @24hrs @michaelchristmas @joynerlucas @thekidtunes @thedutchrebelle @iamgiodee @pineapplejammusic @cyrus_deshield @goldspace_music @therealskyjonez @blvck.vynl @destinyclaymore @redshaydez1 @malia_themodel @supersmashbroz @lordfelix_ and includes an exclusive interview with Spotlight Artist @sarahviolettemusic on NEMICCHECK.COM or your favorite music streaming platform.