Episode #46 Playlist – R&B, Hip Hop and Urban Heat
Posted on
January 27, 2021
Congratulations to all of these amazing Artists whose songs are included in Episode #46. Your contributions to New England’s Urban Music Culture is priceless and it’s an honor to be able to share your music to the world.
@alexander_padei @alejandroblvnco @dylanreesemusic @cdot_416 @humbeats @chellymarie @cakeswagg @trevaholmes @herotheemcee @kaealayah @redshaydez1 @markypicasso @jeffstately @cruufromthenorth @avasophiamusic @tashawn_taylor @stlgld @davidwylen @itslordju @joynerlucas @bia @jimmycjules and includes an exclusive interview with Spotlight Artist @destinyclaymore on NEMICCHECK.COM or your favorite music streaming platform