EPISODE #80 – Hip Hop, R&B & Urban Heat
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May 19, 2022
Congratulations to all these amazing artists whose songs are included within Episode #80. Your contributions to New England’s Urban Music Culture is Priceless and it’s an honor to be able to share your music to the World.
@whytri @livinanoyd @sirclarkd @guyclaude_ @najeejaney @cd.rose @jrspecs @sotosodope @omegaredsupafan @dionys93 @joynerlucas @lilbaby @1fiyamane @thedutchrebelle @lilyisrayne @poursomehenny @plainfacedgirl @prince_smooth @snowprah @youngma @bigbodykweeng @spizzyspose @jarvmakesmusic and SPOTLIGHT ARTIST @jonn.beatty
Now Streaming at nemiccheck.com and your favorite music streaming platform.