Spotlight Artist – Mr. Shammi
On this Episode our Spotlight Artist Mr Shammi Talks about:
-Growing up in Trinidad
-What Brought him to the states
-His Family
-His journey into the industry
-His success in Europe
-His latest Single “Siren” and more…
About Mr Shammi:
This Caribbean born artist resides in Melrose Ma and has song collaborations with famed producer Bob Sinclair, LuuX, Mad Stuntman and Adam Horovitz of the Beastie Boys.
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Trinidadian musician known for his dance and electronic music. His more popular songs include “Raise The Roof,” “Bubble It,” and “Love Message.”
Before Fame he started releasing music in the 2000s but broke out in 2011 after collaborating with Bob Sinclair on the song “Me Not a Gangsta.” Although born in the Caribbean and based out Massachusetts, he’s become popular in Europe and has collaborated with the likes of LuuX and Mad Stuntman. He’s also worked alongside Adam Horovitz of the Beastie Boys on the track “Brr Stick’ Em.”